Our Advocacy

FBO’s advocacy agendas offer blueprints for reimagining how Oregon’s systems can better support every child to learn, grow, and thrive. We collaborate with community partners, policymakers, and system leaders to identify and advance policies and investments that dismantle structural racism and inequity through the state’s legislative, administrative, and budget processes.


Public systems work best when impacted communities engage in the entire cycle of change. To raise your voice in Oregon’s policymaking process, learn how to contact the Governor, your state legislators, and the State Board of Education.

Our Advocacy Over the Years


Throughout 2020, FBO affirmed that advocacy is done best when elevating the voice and experience of impacted communities. Though the 2020 legislative short session was crippled by impasse and obstruction, FBO worked with community partners and state legislators on legislation to establish an inclusive and equitable process for reviewing Oregon’s high school graduation requirements. 

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recession, FBO joined over 20 community-based organizations, education advocates, and business groups across Oregon in a joint letter calling on Gov. Kate Brown and state leaders to "act with children as our north star" and uphold their commitment to equity. This coalition developed a policy roadmap to advance racial justice in public education, a community-driven advocacy effort that has since evolved into the Oregon Partners for Education Justice. Thanks to sustained advocacy from community and continuing partnership with the Governor’s Office, we were proud to see Gov. Brown prioritize educational equity and racial justice in her Recommended Budget for 2021-23

Throughout 2020, FBO supported community partners to participate in statewide administrative rulemaking, ensuring community perspective and expertise informed how the Student Success Act^ is implemented. We also partnered with the Oregon Department of Education on a community-guided process to clearly define and align equity terminology across Oregon statutes, administrative rules, grantmaking, and future legislation.


Working in coalition, FBO successfully advocated for nearly $40 million for the Educator Advancement Council,^ ensuring that educators in all corners of the state are supported to learn and improve their practice.

Our advocacy efforts also supported new investments in the Early Learning Equity Fund,^ the American Indian/Alaska Native Education State Plan,^ the African American/Black Student Success Plan,^ and the Latino/a/x Student Success Plan.^ We also supported and helped to shape the historic Student Success Act.^


FBO’s advocacy propelled Senate Bill 182 to pass with broad bipartisan support, laying the groundwork to build the Educator Advancement Council. We also worked to pass House Bill 2845, which developed statewide ethnic studies standards in K-12 curriculum; and Senate Bill 221, which supported Oregon’s educator preparation programs to achieve national accreditation.


Our legislative agenda supported passage of Senate Bill 83 to train teachers to better support and mentor student teachers; Senate Bill 78 to strengthen teacher preparation programs in the state by requiring national accreditation; and House Bill 2186 to ensure all educators within the public school system, including charter schools, are evaluated using the same standards.


We worked with the Oregon Legislature to create and fund the Network for Quality Teaching and Learning, a comprehensive system of supports for Oregon educators that would go on to set the framework for creating the Educator Advancement Council.


Drawing on Chalkboard Project’s CLASS Project as a model, the Oregon Legislature established the School District Collaboration Fund, which provided grants to school districts across Oregon to design and implement educator-led initiatives that focus on closing disparities in student outcomes. We also advocated for the passage of Senate Bill 290, which led to Oregon’s first statewide teacher and administrator performance standards.