Research is in our roots. FBO believes that along with deep community engagement, thoughtful research and inclusive data are critical to understanding the disparities perpetuated by Oregon’s public education system and identifying possible solutions.
This research library catalogs the reports we’ve published throughout our history—many commissioned when we were known as Chalkboard Project. As FBO’s research practices and partnerships evolve, this library captures important learnings over time—many of which influenced significant policy and cultural shifts when they were published, though they may not necessarily reflect our positions, priorities, or perspective today.
This 2011 analysis considered the impact of Measures 5 and 50 on local funding options for publish education and offered analysis of potential reforms and alternatives.
This 2011 research brief analyzed the state of educational disparities harming Latino/a/x students in Oregon at the time.
This 2011 issue paper addressed key implementation questions about using average daily attendance, rather than enrollment, in Oregon's formula for distributing school funding at the time.
This 2010 report reviewed available research at the time on the impact of extended learning time (ELT) programs which sought to improve educational outcomes by increasing school hours or implementing out-of-school programs.
This 2010 issue paper highlighted two promising practices of the time to help early learners: K-1 class size reduction to 15 students, and assignment of reading tutors to every K-3 student reading below grade level.
This 2010 analysis estimated the economic cost of educational disparities impacting Oregon's Black, Indigenous, and children of color at the time.
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